With so many fast-fashion brands dominating the market, it can be a challenge, to say the least, to find quality handbags online that last. Finding vegan and sustainable bags is even more difficult, but not impossible. You need to know where to look. With this in mind, here’s our guide on where to find quality handbags online.
Baguette Bags
Baguette bags are a popular type of bag that people like to wear during the summer months because they’re lightweight and compact. That means they’re perfect for taking to the beach or for dinner on a summer evening. That said, cheaper baguette bags can be troublesome. Because they are compact and the material cheaper brands use, they break a lot faster.
Perhaps the biggest issue with baguette bags is the strap which naturally becomes looser the more you wear your bag. The strap will also break a lot faster if you have a habit of overstuffing your bag. A top recommendation for long-lasting baguette bags is Romytisa.
Romytisa offers compact Baguette bags made from high-quality materials, meaning you’ll be able to wear your bag longer. With a solid buckle closure and careful lining and stitching, Romytisa’s Baguette bags are an investment worth making.
Vegan Leather Bags
With more and more people making the transition to veganism, the demand for vegan leather has grown in the past few years. That means that vegan leather bags are becoming a trend. Leather bags are popular because they’re sleek and versatile (you can use them in almost every location) and because leather is a strong and sturdy material that lasts.
Vegan leather has the same effect; only it has the added benefit of being more sustainable and friendly to animals. Romytisa offers vegan-friendly bags in all shapes, sizes, and styles. From top handle handbags to false leather tote bags, they’ll be something that meets your needs.
Their vegan leather handbags are also, on average, a lot cheaper than their leather handbags because vegan leather isn’t as expensive to produce as real leather. That means you can have a classy leather handbag for less than you might think.
Shoulder Bags
Shoulder bags are the bag of choice for students and professionals who spend their time running around the city and need a durable but lightweight bag. Because people often use shoulder bags to carry around a lot of stuff, this naturally puts a lot of strain on the material and the stitching. The more you weigh down the stitching, the more it becomes loose and the more likely to break.
At Romytisa, they ensure that their bags are carefully stitched together to ensure that your bag can withstand all your everyday belongings. In addition, their shoulder bags are made with solid plastic chains and high-quality metal to ensure that your bag can keep up with you wherever you go.
Final Verdict
Finding quality bags online at a reasonable price doesn’t have to be a struggle. That said, if you did want to invest, they also have you covered. Whatever your price point and needs, make sure to look for a brand that will meet your expectations.