Ylonka Verheul by Mariano Vivanco for Vogue Turkey January 2011

Joanna Elizabeth


Published December 10, 2010

Inspired by the medieval world, Vogue Turkey enlists Mariano Vivanco to capture Ylonka Verheul as she explores the desolate setting of Karanlik Sehir. Styled by Mary Fellowes, Ylonka is swathed in the layered fashions of Calvin Klein, Roberto Cavalli, Donna Karan and more.

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15 thoughts on “Ylonka Verheul by Mariano Vivanco for Vogue Turkey January 2011”

    • Was thinking the same. I was going to say it’s a good thing she’s so pretty because the shellacked helmet hair just falls flat. No pun intended. The make-up might have worked with different hair.

      But I love the styling. And the photos are awesome, just a great use of location.

  1. I kind of like the makeup actually, but the hair is so awful it ruins the shots. I *love* the setting and colors though. I think that this could have been spectacular – maybe with a different model, certainly with different hair.

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