Zara Under Fire for Pajamas Resembling Concentration Camp Uniform

Joanna Elizabeth


Published August 28, 2014


Fashion label Zara has come under fire after some people pointed out that a children’s pajama top with blue and white stripes and a star resembled uniforms that were worn in Nazi concentration camps during the Holocaust. The brand defended itself saying that it was inspired by classic western films. In a statement obtained by ABC News, the clothing retailer said that the t-shirts will be “reliably destroyed.”

“The garment was available only for just a few hours and sales of the t-shirt have been marginal,” the statement reads. “Inditex would like to reiterate its utmost respect for all cultures and religions. The Group is a Company where people from 180 nationalities work together representing all the cultures, races and religions of the modern world. Inditex is proud of its cultural diversity.”

Earlier this year, another clothing retailer, Hudson’s Bay Company was in hot water for a shirt featuring the quote “Nothing tastes as good as being skinny feels.”

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