Hanne Gaby Odiele by Michael Schwartz, Styling by Aeri Yun
Back in Black – New Zealand-based glossy Black Magazine offers four top models for its latest covers featuring Hanne Gaby Odiele, Andrej Pejic, Valerija Kelava and Milou van Groesen. The quartet wears spring looks from the likes of Louis Vuitton, Chanel and Robert Lee Morris for the new issue set to hit newsstands on Monday.
Andrej Pejic by Mariah Jelena, Styling by Kate Carnegie
Valerija Kelava by Paul Empson, Styling by Sam Ranger
Milou van Groesen by Paul Empson, Styling by June Nakamoto
The only cover that really stands out to me was Andrej’s cover.Ā
The cover featuring Hanne Gaby OdieleĀ is great – Spearmint Gangster Socialte!